NAI journal issues

Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence is a continous publication journal where articles are published online as soon as they have completed the production process at the publisher. They are immediately available, under an open access license, in a fully citable form with a universal digital object identifier (DOI). Pre-prints of accepted articles, also referred to as Author Accepted Manuscripts (AAM) are also published online at this site both during and after the peer review stage.

Accepted papers:

Inaugural issue: Vision Papers by Editorial Board Members

Regular papers:

Special issue with revised papers from the 18th International Conference on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (NeSy2024):

  • TBA

Special issue on Neurosymbolic AI for Cyberphysical Systems:

  • TBA

Special issue on Commonsense Reasoning:

  • TBA

Special issue on Neurosymbolic Generative Models:

  • TBA

Special issue on Neurosymbolic AI and Ontologies:

  • TBA

Special issue on Neurosymbolic AI and Conceptual Modelling:

  • TBA

Special issue on Knowledge Graphs and Neurosymbolic AI:

  • TBA

Special issue on Trustworthy Neurosymbolic AI:

  • TBA