Experimenting with neurosymbolic AI for defending against cyber attacks

Tracking #: 802-1793

Flag : Review Received


Magnus Wiik Eckhoff
Jonas Hansen
Bjørn Jervell Hansen
Martin Eian
Vasileios Mavroeidis
Robert Andrew Chetwyn
Geir Skjøtskift
Gudmund Grov

Responsible editor: 

Guest Editors NeSy 2024

Submission Type: 

Article in Special Issue (note in cover letter)

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Cover Letter: 

Dear Dr Tarek R. Besold, Dr. Artur d'Avila Garcez and Dr. Pascal Hitzler. We wish to submit our paper titled "Experimenting with neurosymbolic AI for defending against cyber attacks" to the NeSy 2024 special issue. This work is a continuation of the paper "On the use of neurosymbolic AI for defending against cyber attacks" accepted at the 18th International conference on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning. The work demonstrates both the need and feasibility of using neurosymbolic techniques for detecting and responding to cyber attacks. This is a domain where both connectionist and symbolic techniques are widely used today while neuro-symbolic techniques are still in its infancy. Additionally, we showcase multiple experiments to demonstrate the feasibility of using neuro-symbolic AI in this field. Thank you. Best regards, Magnus Wiik Eckhoff PhD student magnusec@uio.no

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