Knowledge Engineering in the Age of Neurosymbolic Systems

Tracking #: 737-1721

Flag : Review Camera-ready


Marta Sabou
Majlinda Llugiqi
Fajar J. Ekaputra
Laura Waltersdorfer
Stefani Tsaneva

Responsible editor: 

Dagmar Gromann

Submission Type: 

Article in Special Issue (note in cover letter)

Full PDF Version: 

Cover Letter: 

Dear Editors, This is the revision of our original submission for the Inaugural Issue of the journal (which had the tracking number 684-1664). We included our rebuttal letter in the end of the paper. Apologies for the delay in submitting this revised version. Thank you and Best Regards, Marta Sabou & the Author Team

Approve Decision: 


Previous Version: 


  • Reviewed


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