Factorizers for Distributed Sparse Block Codes

Tracking #: 713-1693

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Michael Hersche
Aleksandar Terzić
Geethan Karunaratne
Jovin Langenegger
Angéline Pouget
Giovanni Cherubini
Luca Benini
Abu Sebastian
Abbas Rahimi

Responsible editor: 

Qingxing Cao

Submission Type: 

Regular Paper

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Cover Letter: 

Dear Tarek Besold, please find attached our manuscript, "Factorizers for Distributed Sparse Block Codes," which we would like to submit for publication as an original research article in your journal Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence. We present a new approach to disentangle, or factorize, data structures into their constituent elements represented by distributed sparse block codes. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Michael Hersche

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