Semi-Automated Synthesis of Driving Rules

Tracking #: 736-1720

Flag : Review Received


Diego Ortiz Barbosa
Leilani Gilpin
Alvaro A. Cardenas

Responsible editor: 

Eleonora Giunchiglia

Submission Type: 

Article in Special Issue (note in cover letter)

Full PDF Version: 

Cover Letter: 

Dear Editors, we wish to submit our improved work, Semi-Automated Synthesis of Driving Rules, in the special issue on Neurosymbolic AI for Cyberphysical systems of your journal of NeuroSymbolic Artificial Intelligence. This work is an improvement of a workshop paper of the same name presented more than a year ago in VehicleSec. This paper shows our work extracting and classifying rules taken from driver manuals from the US and some Australian provinces. We believe that our extractor, classification, and rules are valuable tools that the community can use to apply them in different neuro-symbolic areas regarding autonomous vehicles. Thank you for your consideration.

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