Semantic-based Data Augmentation for Machine Learning Prediction Enhancement

Tracking #: 821-1815

Flag : Review Assignment Stage


Majlinda Llugiqi
Fajar J. Ekaputra
Marta Sabou

Responsible editor: 

Guest Editors NeSy 2024

Submission Type: 

Other (note in cover letter)

Full PDF Version: 

Supplementary Files: 

Cover Letter: 

Dear Editors, We are happy to re-submit the revisited version of our manusript to the NeSy 2024 special issue part of the Neuro-Symbolic AI Journal. In this revised version, we have made the following main changes: (i) In the Related Work section, we have added a new summary table to visually compare existing NeSy-related studies with ours. We also provide an overview of the key differences between this extended version and our previous NeSy 2024 paper, and have incorporated the paper recommended by the reviewer to enrich the related work section (ii) We reported standard deviations over multiple runs in our result tables. Additionally, we provide more results in the Appendix, with a particular focus on recall metrics. (iii) We added legends and improved the caption for Figures 3-10 and Figure 14 to make them more understandable. (iv) In the Appendix we added an overview of the dataset features. (v) We added supplementary material in "", where all approaches are illustrated using the boxology notation from [50]. (vi) We corrected all the typos. We hope these revisions address all the reviewers’ comments, improve the manuscript’s clarity and make it suitable for publication. At the end of our pdf we have included the repsonse letter to the reviewers adressing all their comments. Thank you for considering our manuscript. We appreciate your time and look forward to your feedback. Best Regards, The author team

Previous Version: 


  • Under Review