By Anonymous User
Review Details
Reviewer has chosen to be Anonymous
Overall Impression: Weak
Technical Quality of the paper: Good
Originality of the paper: No
Adequacy of the bibliography: Yes
Adequacy of the abstract: Yes
Introduction: background and motivation: Limited
Organization of the paper: Satisfactory
Level of English: Satisfactory
Overall presentation: Average
Detailed Comments:
The work presents an evaluation of neural models for KG node and relation extraction from unstructured text for the purpose of KG extraction. Overall, the presentation is reasonable and the work is relatively easy to follow. The review of related work good.
However, I have three major concerns about the work.
* The contribution is unclear, and novelty is also unclear. KG extraction from unstructured narrative text documents as a long history that, as the authors correctly point out, is grounded in KB/ontology learning. The methods for KG extraction compared by the authors are used very often in the literature, including the more novel GPT/LLM based models. The question thus arises, what exactly is this work adding to the state of the art in this area.
* Even more problematic is the small dataset. In my opinion, the obtained scores mean very little, if anything. The task on a single piece of news is likely just too simple, especially for the modern LLM based models. The choice of a news article may also favour LLMs. Overall, I think the dataset should be significantly larger and more heterogeneous (not just new articles, but also other kind of text documents, such as books, patents, legal documents, scientific articles).
* As the author highlight in the discussion, the results are mostly if not exclusively unsurprising and to be expected. What are we learning from the work?
Minor comments:
* The authors make a confusing use of KG creation and KG extraction, especially also in relation to IE. For instance, at the beginning of Section 2.2, the authors state that IE techniques are often used for extracting KGs just to speak of creating a KG further down. IMO, it makes more sense to speak of IE and KG construction. Indeed, one constructs a single KG (as a database) rather than extracting X small KGs from text.
* Page 1, Line 40: Reasoning relies on formal semantics (axioms) and as the authors point out, there are barely any extraction techniques that are capable of extracting axioms from unstructured text.
* Page 2, Line 30: KGs have certainly not "been around since the originating of the field of philosophy"! Ontologies are older, but obviously also not in an sense as understood in information science.
* Page 2, Footnote 1: Please deposity on a research data repository and identify by DOI; there is no guarantee of persistence in Github URLs
* Page 3, Line 16: No better example than the pizza ontology?
* Page 4, Line 36: What is future-proof in this context?
* Section 3: Please describe the dataset, especially in terms of size and other descriptive statistics.
* Page 6, Line 44: Check language "the different methods are described that are tested ..." (also elsewhere there are typos!)
* Page 8, Line 9: Is the sentence "Think carefully before you answer" in the prompt needed and if yes, why? GPT obviously doesn't think, but I can't tell whether this "instruction" influences performance.
* Please include DOIs in your references - I am stunned how often this still needs to be stated in reviews; as a reviewer, I do not want to have to copy and paste titles into a search engine and hope I get the right version of some work!