Towards end-to-end ASP computation

Tracking #: 662-1642

Flag : Review Received


Taisuke Sato
Akihiro Takemura
Katsumi Inoue

Responsible editor: 

Raghava Mutharaju

Submission Type: 

Regular Paper


We propose an end-to-end approach for answer set programming (ASP) and linear algebraically compute stable models satisfying given constraints. The idea is to implement Lin-Zhao’s theorem [1] together with constraints directly in vector spaces as numerical minimization of a cost function constructed from a matricized normal logic program, loop formulas in LinZhao’s theorem and constraints, thereby no use of symbolic ASP or SAT solvers involved in our approach. We also propose precomputation that shrinks the program size and heuristics for loop formulas to reduce computational difficulty. We empirically test our approach with programming examples including the 3-coloring and Hamiltonian cycle problems. As our approach is purely numerical and only contains vector/matrix operations, acceleration by parallel technologies such as many-cores and GPUs is expected.

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Cover Letter: 

July 8, 2023 Editor-in-Chiefs Dear Sirs, My coauthors and I would like you to consider the manuscript entitled "Towards end-to-end ASP computation" for publication in the Journal of Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence. We propose an end-to-end approach for answer set programming (ASP) in logic programming by formulating ASP in vector spaces. Unlike previous approaches, we compute stable models of programs by cost minimization that considers special logical formulas called loop formulas. Our approach is based on a logically inspired ReLU neural network derived from Boolean formulas in DNF form. We believe that our proposal is relevant to the scope of your journal and will be of interest to your readership. The content of this manuscript has not been published elsewhere in part or entirety and is not under consideration by another journal. All authors have have approved the manuscript for submission to your journal. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yours, Taisuke Sato, National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan E-mail:

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